Human Design for Moms

Supporting your child's unique energetic signature.

We are all unique, individual beings with a unique energetic blueprint. The way you are designed to function and move through this life is likely quite different than the way I am designed to function.

Knowing and understanding your unique Human Design allows you to access the inner workings of your operating system. When you live in a way that is aligned with your energetic wiring, you are using your energies in the most efficient way possible. When living from that place, you can then tap into your highest potential in this life.

The way you are designed is likely very different than the way your child is designed. Understanding your child's blueprint can have a huge impact in the way you parent them. When you truly understand how your child is energetically wired, you can teach them how to live in alignment with their unique design. You can teach them how to rely on their inner authority to make their decisions and truly set them up for success in this life!

When Ra was teaching the Human Design System, he used to say, "Human Design is for the children." The children are our future, and when we can raise them in alignment with their unique energetic blueprint, they can tap into their highest potential from an earlier age in life.

"I wish my parents had known about this when I was a child. My life would have been so much different."  

This is the most common response I receive from my clients during my Human Design readings.

Society tries to force us into homogenized and conditioned boxes, telling us that we need to operate in a specific way. However, we live in a world full of individualized beings that are each created uniquely. The way society tells you to make your decisions might not work for your energy type.

For example, most of us are conditioned to believe that hard work and long hours lead to success. In the US, we live in a society that places value on how much we do and physically accomplish. It's only the Generator types that have sustainable life force and work force energy which allows them to work for long periods of time. The other types don't have that consistent, sustainable energy. They are not designed to work the way that the Generator types are designed. It can be extremely challenging to be a Projector in a world that is made for Generators, facing expectations that you maintain a certain energy level that you're just not designed for.

The Human Design for Moms Program is a 4-week, live group coaching container, beginning November 5th, 2024.

We will gather for one 90-min zoom call each week. I will be teaching the basics of the Human Design System and how you can apply it to your parenting.

You will gain an awareness of your own energetic blueprint and that of your child's. You will learn how you and your child's energetic types are designed to function and move through life. You will understand the ways that your energies interact uniquely and where you both are susceptible to conditioning. You will gain techniques for supporting and reinforcing your child's energetic design. You will receive the support of learning this system with a group of other mothers.

You will receive a 10+ page Human Design Report for yourself and each of your children. This will give you an in-depth guide to always refer back to. You will gain a deeper awareness of the Human Design System and how to read and de-code your BodyGraph. The course will be specifically tailored to meet the needs of the women in each group and their children.

Most importantly, we will have FUN together, connect in a heart-centered and supportive container and you will take away information that will have a lasting impact on your parenting and your relationship with yourself and your children.

Human Design has the ability to forever change your parenting style and allow your children to feel truly seen, understood and appreciated for exactly who they are and how they are meant to be in the world. This system is an invaluable gift to anyone who decides to adopt it.

Let's support today's children in living the way they are energetically designed and accessing their highest potential in this life!

This course is offered for an energy exchange of $444

If you would like to sign up, please click "book a consultation" to contact me and register for the program.

Many blessings on your parenting and Human Design journey!

With Love, Echo